We will run the video clips on the same page in the player
which are saved in the Document Library.
Step 1: Create a document library named “Videos”.
Step 2: Upload the video clips in the Videos document
Step 3: Create a web part page named “Preview” & add
the web part zones in two columns as shown below.
Step 4: In the left column add the Videos Document
library & in the second column add a CEWP.
Step 5: In the CEWP insert the following code of the windows
media player to play the related file.
The functions in the following codes reads
the current video from the document library & runs it in the media player.
<div align="center" id="Player">
<object width="400" height="400"
<param name="url"/><param
name="uiMode" value="full"/>
<param name="autoStart" value="-1"/>
<param name="stretchToFit"
<param name="windowlessVideo"
value="0"/><param name="enabled"
<param name="enableContextMenu"
<param name="fullScreen"
value="0"/></object> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getParameter(szName)
// Get value out of supplied parameter
var szUrl = window.location.search;
szUrl = szUrl.toLowerCase();
szName = szName.toLowerCase();
var szValue = "";
var nBegin = szUrl.indexOf(szName);
if (nBegin != -1)
szValue = szUrl.substring(nBegin + (szName.length + 1));
var nEnd = szValue.indexOf("&");
if (szValue != "" && nEnd != -1)
szValue = szValue.substring(0, nEnd);
return szValue;
function wmpCreate(url) {
var str = "";
var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var is_ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
if (is_ie) {
// create the WMP for IE
str = '<object id="contentPlayer"
width="400" height="400">';
} else {
// create it for FF.
str = '<object id="contentPlayer"
type="application/x-ms-wmp" data="'+url+'"
width="400" height="400">';
str += '<param name="url"
str += '<param name="uiMode"
str += '<param name="autoStart" value="-1"
str += '<param name="stretchToFit"
value="-1" />';
str += '<param name="windowlessVideo"
value="0" />';
str += '<param name="enabled"
value="-1" />';
str += '<param name="enableContextMenu"
value="-1" />';
str += '<param name="fullScreen"
value="0" />';
str += '</object>';
return str;
function videoCreate() {
document.getElementById('Player').innerHTML = wmpCreate();
var wmp = document.getElementById('contentPlayer');
wmp.URL = getParameter("url");
The page will look as follows:
Step 6: Open the Preview page in the SharePoint
Step 7: Add a new column to the right of the document
library as shown below.
Step 8:
A new column to the right gets added as shown
Step 9: Keep
the cursor in the last column of the first entry i.e. Demo Video.
Step 10: Click on the Hyperlink tab in Insert ribbon of
the designer. The hyperlink popup will appear.
Step 11: In the Text to display field type the name Preview & in
the Address field type the following JavaScript:
Preview.aspx = The
name of the page
url= The path of the corresponding document library from
where the video is to be played.
Step 12:
Click OK. The Preview name will be displayed in
the last column as shown below.
Step 13: Save & close the file from SharePoint
Designer & open the page in the browser. The page will appear as follows
Step 14: The
Preview link appears automatically in front of the item whenever a new video
clip is uploaded in the document library.
Step 15: When
the user clicks on the Preview link the corresponding clips runs in the media